Friday, December 10, 2010


1. I wish it would finally snow so it would feel like Christmas is coming in 2 weeks!!

2. Yesterday I worked all alone in my new office and got so much work done. The peacefulness was heavenly. Can't wait to go back on Monday!

3. Today I will read a few more pages of my book that I'm dying to finish but just can't seem to get there.

4. Tomorrow I will sleep in a little, have a yummy cup of coffee and clean my house...and hope it SNOWS!! Maybe go to the movies with McFly tomorrow night?

5. Maybe it will snow still before Christmas.

6. Someday I want to go on a sunny, lounge on the beach suntanning, sleeping, reading a book, sipping a cool drink in a cute bikini vacation!!

7. I love game night at my house with all my kids and their friends!!

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