Monday, November 15, 2010

Thoughts over the weekend...

Well hello there...

hope you all had a fantastic weekend and that each of you took a little time to yourself!

That is something I've learned to do recently...make and take time for myself (ok I got laid off a few weeks ago and am forced to get along with myself). It's soooo IMPORTANT! And so many of us just don't do it...or just don't make time to stop and do something for ourselves. And that means...doing nothing! Or leaving the kids (yes, a 12 year old is plenty old enough to hang out alone for awhile!), significant other (they ARE capable of watching the little ones, doing laundry and cleaning up the kitchen on their own!!), animals behind and focusing on the one most important person in your life...YOU!! YOU are most important and if you don't take care of yourself first, there's no way you can be happy and take care of others or your daily life. So, I want you ALL to pick a day/time and carve it out just for you! whatever you want, but it can't be something for anyone else...just for yourself.

Ask my kids and they will tell you that there were times when I would go and go and go and never stop for even a second!! I remember all too clearly when we were trying to relax on a Sunday afternoon, all of us in front of a movie, SB laying on the floor in front of the warm fire, snacks in hand, homework being worked on, papers being graded...and I couldn't keep my butt planted on that couch for longer than 2 minutes!! There was always SOMETHING on my mind that HAD to get done RIGHT NOW!!! And honestly...what did I get from all of that?? I'll tell you...cranky kids, who were tired of me running around all day and not spending time with them, and friends who just wanted to shake me then tie me down for 10 minutes!! Plus...I eventually got tired of hearing "MOM...sit down!!"

With a lot of hard work and self control...I've finally learned how NOT to feel guilty if I leave dishes in the sink and they sit there all day, to not be caught up on the laundry, to leave the beds left unmade for 24 hours (it's easier for the dogs to burrow under the covers that way anyway), and to actually watch an ENTIRE movie without missing half of it because I couldn't sit still (people hate it when you don't pay attention and you have to repeatedly ask "what's going on now?") and yes...I'm falling asleep during the movie less and less these days now too...because I'm not so exhausted from running around doing mindless tasks that can wait for later!!

So let me know what you decided to do in the time that you put aside for yourself!! And if you took a nap...GOOD FOR YOU!! If you went to the gym...even better! But believe're going to feel so much better once you get in the habit. Promise!

So there you have "rant" for the day. Make it a good one!!

Meryl :-)

1 comment:

  1. This is the beginning of a much followed, very popular, wonderful blog :)

    oh and I took one fat ass nap from last Thursday from about 4pm to Saturday to about 12:30pm. And I count that as the weekend because it includes friday and saturday! :)
